Thursday, September 24, 2009

Credit Limits

This is a blog about credit and maintaining your credit report. Garr Russell wrote this and he is not only someone I work closely with but also a good friend. If you have any questions you can contact him or myself.

Thanks Again


*Make sure your credit reports contain your proper credit limits.
Banks are getting sneaky!*

Some creditors and lenders do not report consumer credit limits. Instead they will only post the highest balance you have ever carried. Keeping proper credit limit information out of your file is not always an innocent oversight. It’s often done purposely by a bank to make you look less attractive to their competitors, so they won’t send you pre-approved offers. Worst of all, it lowers your credit score!

Capital One is famous for this sneaky tactic: Instead of reporting customers’ proper credit limits, they often only report the highest balance carried, which gives the appearance that you are closer to maxing out your card than you really are (which is bad for your credit score). Interestingly, we are told that FICO scores no longer use this information from Capital One when computing credit scores, but you may want to go through your credit report with a fine tooth comb to make sure that none of your other accounts are listed with inaccurate credit limits.

Generally speaking, the more available credit you have, the better you look on your credit report.

If you find that a lender is not listing the proper credit line on your account, and it’s not Capital One, you might want to call and ask them to report the right amount. Sometimes, it is their company policy not to report, but you certainly can try.

 Recently Denied Credit?
 Looking for Solutions?
 Collectors Harassing You?
 Considering Bankruptcy?
 Considering Debt Consolidation?
 Trouble Building New Credit?
 Debts Piling Up?
 Looking To Be a Homeowner?

If you have any of the above needs CALL NOW and receive FREE ADVICE from one of our Credit Consultants. If we don’t offer the assistance you need we will refer you to a reputable company that does.


Team garranteed

2757 44th suite #306
Wyoming, MI 49519
P: 616-530-4883
T: 888-330-4883
F: 480-287-8945

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